Hello Diosa, I’m Emily!

Welcome to

my story

A journey of empowerment

My name is Emily Zur. I’m a 30-year-old dreamer who loves getting lost in a good, spicy book, listening to Lana Del Rey, drinking Stella Rosa wine, and dreaming a little too hard at times. But I can always count on my realist husband Wyatt to be there to bring me back to reality. LOL

I’ve been holding onto a camera since I was 15 years old. And by camera it was a little red point-and-shoot, but I loved it. I loved how moments in time could be captured, and looked back on later in life. Then as I got older, I understood how ‘feelings’ could be captured, and how the right photographer can do more than just take a photo, but inject emotion into the moment. This understanding led me to the realization of how the essence of a woman could be encapsulated & I fell IN LOVE. 

I won’t tell you my healing journey to self-love was easy (it never is), but it has been one of the most soul-inspiring and liberating experiences of my life. Yes, I have my moments like every woman, dealing with insecurity because of society’s expectations for women’s bodies, telling us what we should or shouldn’t love about ourselves. But seriously, FU society…. I have found that supporting and celebrating other women has influenced my healing journey in the best possible way. I’m passionate about helping other women see how powerful and beautiful they are, inside and out. To be able to witness a woman loving ALL her curves, stretchmarks, wrinkles, or rolls, is a blessing to me. We, women, are literally goddesses on this earth who do so much in our lives, and our beautiful bodies take us through it all. I believe every woman deserves a mind, body, and soul-empowering boudoir session to see the radiant beauty they are, and I’m here to help guide you. ❤️


Are you Ready to reconnect with your Divine Diosa?

Create something magical


Express yourself


Create something magical | Express yourself |